discover, 140
download, 196
Ethernet port, 159
network connection, 149
time synchronization property (PROFINET), 165
unplugged modules, 47
Device exchange, 142
Device names
DeviceStates (read module status of an I/O
system), 347
Diagnostic error interrupt OB, 89
Diagnostic standard Web page, 616
buffer, 103
cycle time, 792
DeviceStates (read module status of an I/O
system), 347
diagnostics buffer, 793
GET_DIAG (read diagnostic information), 358
LED (read LED status), 346
LED indicators, 783
memory usage, 792
ModuleStates (read module status information of a
module), 353
status indicator, 102
watch table, 798
Digital I/O
configuration, 147
pulse catch, 147
status indicators, 784
Digital input filter time, 144
Digital signal boards
SB 1221, 935
SB 1222, 937
SB 1223, 940, 943
Digital signal modules
SM 1221, 892
SM 1222, 894, 895
SM 1223, 900, 904
DIN rail, 55
Directories, languages for user-defined Web
pages, 656
DIS_AIRT (disable execution of higher priority
interrupts and asynchronous error events), 344
Discover to upload an online CPU, 140
Displaying the MAC and IP addresses, 163
DIV (divide), 230
Documentation, 4
Download in RUN mode
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 03/2014, A5E02486680-AG
compile errors, 807
considerations, 811
download without reinitialization, 808
downloading selected blocks, 806
extended block interface, 808
failed download, 811
global memory reserve settings, 810
initiating from STEP 7, 805
memory reserve and retentive memory reserve, 808
overview, 803
prerequisites, 804
restrictions, 810
displaying the MAC and IP addresses, 163
firmware update, 133
project, 196
Siemens security certificate to PC, 613, 666
user program, 196
user-defined Web page DBs, 643
DPRD_DAT (read consistent data of a DP standard
slave), 326
DPWR_DAT (write consistent data of a DP standard
slave), 326
Drag and drop between editors, 43
connecting a, 724
general drive setup requirements, 724
setting up MM4 drive, 726
Edit in RUN mode, (Download in RUN mode)
Electromagnetic compatibility, 833
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), 832
EN and ENO (power flow), 188
EN_AIRT (enable execution of higher priority interrupts
and asynchronous error events), 344
ENCO (encode), 276
End conditions, 679
End message character, 681
ENDIS_PW (enable disable passwords), 259
Enum types in user-defined Web pages, 635, 635
operating conditions, 833
transport and storage conditions, 833
Error codes
common errors for extended instructions, 407
RALRM, 322
RDREC, 322
WRREC, 322