SQRT (form square root), 236
SR (set/reset flip-flop), 207
SRT_DINT (start time-delay interrupt), 342
status, 796, 797
STP (exit program), 263
Strg_TO_Chars (convert character string to array of
CHAR), 302
STRG_VAL (convert character string to numerical
value), 293
SUB (subtract), 230
SWAP (swap bytes), 243
SWITCH (jump distributor), 256
T_ADD (add times), 284
T_COMBINE (combine times), 285
T_CONFIG (configure interface), 541
T_CONV (convert times and extract), 283
T_DIFF (time difference), 285
T_SUB (subtract times), 284
TAN (form tangent value), 236
TCON (establish communication connection), 527
TDISCON (terminate communication
connection), 527
time, 283
timer, 212
TM_MAIL (send email), 775
TOF (off-delay timer), 212
TON (on-delay timer), 212
TONR (on-delay retentive timer), 212
TP (pulse timer), 212
TRCV (receive data via communication
connection), 527
TRCV_C, 556
TRCV_C (receive data via Ethernet (TCP)), 520
TRUNC (truncate numerical value), 249
TSEND (send data via communication
connection), 527
TSEND_C, 555
TSEND_C (send data via Ethernet (TCP)), 520
TURCV (receive data via Ethernet (UDP)), 535
TUSEND (send data via Ethernet (UDP)), 535
UFILL_BLK (fill block uninterruptible), 242
UMOVE_BLK (move block uninterruptible), 238
USS status codes, 722
USS_DRV (Swap data with drive), 716
USS_PORT (Edit communication via USS
network), 715
USS_RPM (readout parameters from the drive), 719
USS_WPM (change parameters in the drive), 720
VAL_STRG (convert numerical value to character
string), 293
versions of instructions, 42, 746
WHILE (SCL), 271
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 03/2014, A5E02486680-AG
WR_LOC_T (set local time), 287
WR_SYS_T (set time-of-day), 287
WRIT_DBL (write to data block in load
memory), 401
WRREC (write data record), 315
WWW (synchronizing user-defined Web
pages), 642
XOR (logic operation), 275
Inter-character gap, 681
ATTACH (attach an OB to an interrupt event), 331
CAN_DINT (cancel time-delay interrupt), 342
DETACH (detach an OB from an interrupt
event, 331
interrupt latency, 94
overview, 85
QRY_DINT (query time-delay interrupt status), 342
SRT_DINT (start time-delay interrupt), 342
Intro standard Web page, 613
INV (create ones complement), 276
IO system
data exchange, 565
address space, 822
changing parameters in runtime, 822
configuring, 821
data record, 823
device profile, 815
device storage, 818
diagnostics, 826
diagram, 820
error messages, 822, 825, 826
functions, 817
LED display, 825
parameters, 821
pin assignment, 819
replacing, 817
reset to factory settings, 818
IO-Link Master signal module, 931
IP address, 160, 160
assigning, 155, 162
assigning online, 158
configuring, 159
configuring the online CPU, 789
device configuration, 142
MAC address, 159
IP router, 159
ad hoc mode, 518
ISO on TCP protocol, 517
Isolation guidelines, 71