Chapter 6
Policing Traffic
class c4
class class-default
On the PRE3, output from the show running-config command is the same as the above sample output,
except that the priority command configured in class c0 displays as priority level level-number.
On the PRE2 and PRE3, the show policy-map interface commands displays the set-cos-transmit action
and corresponding value when configured as a police action in a policy map.
Verifying and Monitoring Traffic Policing
The Cisco 10000 series router collects information about the number of conforming, exceeding, and
violating packets and bytes.
To verify and monitor traffic policing, enter any of the following commands in privileged EXEC mode:
Router# show policy-map
Router# show policy-map policy-map-name
Router# show policy-map interface interface
Verification Examples for Traffic Policing
This section provides the following verification examples:
police 1000000 20000 30000 conform-action set-cos-transmit 4 exceed-action
set-cos-transmit 4 violate-action set-cos-transmit 4
police 1000000 20000 30000 conform-action set-cos-transmit 5 exceed-action
set-cos-transmit 5 violate-action set-cos-transmit 5
Verifying Policing for a Specific Traffic Class, page 6-42
Verifying Policing on a Specific Interface, page 6-42
Verifying Dual Police Actions—set-clp-transmit and set-mpls-exp-transmit, page 6-43
Displays statistical and configuration information about all of the
configured policy maps.
Displays statistical and configuration information about the
policy map you specify.
Displays statistical and configuration information about all of the
input and output policy maps attached to the interface you
For Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SB and later releases, if the
policy map attached to an interface has the police command
configured in it, the output from the show policy-map interface
command displays the police actions in a new line.
Cisco 10000 Series Router Quality of Service Configuration Guide
Verifying and Monitoring Traffic Policing