This example shows how to configure a server farm, named p1_nat, using the least-connections
(leastconns) algorithm. The least-connections algorithm specifies which real server handles the next
new connection for this server farm.
Router(config)# ip slb serverfarm pl_nat
Router(config-slb-sfarm)# predictor leastconns
Configuring Real Servers
Real servers are physical devices assigned to a server farm. Real servers provide the services that are
load balanced. When the server receives a client request, it pulls matching information from a disk and
sends it to the CSM for forwarding to the client.
You configure the real server in the real server configuration mode by specifying the server IP address
and port when you assign it to a server farm. You enter the real server configuration mode from the
serverfarm mode where you are adding the real server.
To configure real servers, perform this task:
Step 1
Router(config-slb-sfarm)# real
ip-address [port]
Step 2
Router(config-slb-real)# weight
Step 3
Router(config-slb-real)# maxconns
Step 4
Router(config-slb-real)# minconns
Step 5
Router(config-slb-real)# inservice
Step 6
Router# show ip slb reals [sfarm
serverfarm-name] [detail]
Step 7
Router# show ip slb conns [sfarm
vserver virtserver-name] [client
ip-address] [detail]
78-11631-02 Rev. A0
Enter the exit command to leave a mode or submode. Enter the end command to return to the menu's top level.
The no form of this command restores the defaults.
Catalyst 6000 Family Content Switching Module Installation and Configuration Note
Configuring the Content Switching Module
Identify a real server as a member of the server farm and
enter the real server configuration mode. An optional
translation port can also be configured
(Optional) Set the weighting value for the virtual server
predictor algorithm to assign the server's workload
capacity relative to the other servers in the server farm if
the round robin or least connection is selected
(Optional) Set the maximum number of active
connections on the real server
maximum is reached, no more new connections are sent
to that real server until the number of active connections
drops below the minimum threshold.
(Optional) Set the minimum connection threshold
Enable the real server for use by the CSM
Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for each real server you
are configuring.
(Optional) Display information about configured real
servers. The vserver option limits the display to real
servers associated with a particular virtual server. The
detail option displays detailed real server information.
Display active connections to the CSM. The sfarm
option limits the display to connections associated with
a particular server farm. The client option limits the
display to connections for a particular client. The detail
option displays detailed connection information.
1, 2
. When the specified