mls qos queue-set output buffers
mls qos queue-set output buffers
Use the mls qos queue-set output buffers global configuration command to allocate buffers to a
queue-set (four egress queues per port). Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting.
Syntax Description
allocation1 ...
All allocation values are equally mapped among the four queues (25, 25, 25, 25). Each queue has 1/4 of
the buffer space.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Specify four allocation values, and separate each with a space.
Allocate buffers according to the importance of the traffic; for example, give a large percentage of the
buffer to the queue with the highest-priority traffic.
To configure different classes of traffic with different characteristics, use this command with the mls qos
queue-set output qset-id threshold global configuration command.
The egress queue default settings are suitable for most situations. You should change them only when
you have a thorough understanding of the egress queues and if these settings do not meet your QoS
Catalyst 2960 Switch Command Reference
mls qos queue-set output qset-id buffers allocation1 ... allocation4
no mls qos queue-set output qset-id buffers
ID of the queue-set. Each port belongs to a queue-set, which defines all the
characteristics of the four egress queues per port. The range is 1 to 2.
Buffer space allocation (percentage) for each queue (four values for queues 1 to 4).
For allocation1, allocation3, and allocation4, the range is 0 to 99. For allocation2,
the range is 1 to 100 (including the CPU buffer). Separate each value with a space.
This command was introduced.
Chapter 2
Catalyst 2960 Switch Cisco IOS Commands