Chapter 2 Catalyst 3750 Switch Cisco IOS Commands
snmp-server enable traps
Use the snmp-server enable traps global configuration command to enable the switch to send Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP) notifications for various traps or inform requests to the network
management system (NMS). Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting.
Syntax Description
bridge [newroot]
envmon [fan |
shutdown | status |
supply | temperature]
snmp-server enable traps [bridge [newroot] [topologychange] | cluster | config | copy-config |
entity | envmon [fan | shutdown | status | supply | temperature] | errdisable
[notification-rate value] | flash | hsrp | ipmulticast | mac-notification | msdp | ospf
[cisco-specific | errors | lsa | rate-limit | retransmit | state-change] | pim
[invalid-pim-message | neighbor-change | rp-mapping-change] | port-security [trap-rate
value] | rtr | snmp [authentication | coldstart | linkdown | linkup | warmstart] |
storm-control trap-rate value | stpx [inconsistency] [root-inconsistency]
[loop-inconsistency] | syslog | tty | vlan-membership | vlancreate | vlandelete | vtp]
no snmp-server enable traps [bridge [newroot] [topologychange] | cluster | config | copy-config
| entity | envmon [fan | shutdown | status | supply | temperature] | errdisable
[notification-rate] | flash | hsrp | ipmulticast | mac-notification | msdp | ospf [cisco-specific
| errors | lsa | rate-limit | retransmit | state-change] | pim [invalid-pim-message |
neighbor-change | rp-mapping-change] | port-security [trap-rate] | rtr | snmp
[authentication | coldstart | linkdown | linkup | warmstart] | storm-control trap-rate | stpx
[inconsistency] [root-inconsistency] [loop-inconsistency] | syslog | tty | vlan-membership |
vlancreate | vlandelete | vtp]
(Optional) Generate STP bridge MIB traps. The keywords have these
(Optional) Enable cluster traps.
(Optional) Enable SNMP configuration traps.
(Optional) Enable SNMP copy-configuration traps.
(Optional) Enable SNMP entity traps.
Optional) Enable SNMP environmental traps. The keywords have these
(Optional) Enable errdisable traps. Use notification-rate keyword to set the
maximum value of errdisable traps sent per minute. The range is 0 to 10000;
the default is 0 (no limit imposed; a trap is sent at every occurrence).
(Optional) Enable SNMP FLASH notifications.
(Optional) Enable Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) traps.
newroot—(Optional) Enable SNMP STP Bridge MIB new root traps.
topologychange—(Optional) Enable SNMP STP Bridge MIB topology
change traps.
fan—(Optional) Enable fan traps.
shutdown—(Optional) Enable environmental monitor shutdown traps.
status—(Optional) Enable SNMP environmental status-change traps.
supply—(Optional) Enable environmental monitor power-supply traps.
temperature—(Optional) Enable environmental monitor temperature
Catalyst 2960 Switch Command Reference
snmp-server enable traps