Macro timeline
You can execute macros in sequence by registering macro
recall/execute actions at keyframe points on an effect
Creating and Editing a Macro
To edit a macro, recall the target macro register and insert/
modify events.
To create a macro, recall an empty register. Create and
register events one at a time.
After creating or editing a macro, save it in a macro
A macro cannot be executed while creating/editing a
Creating a macro
Recall an empty register and register events.
To include all settings information associated
with an operation when registering
You can include the transition rate, cross-point, and region
settings information when registering a macro event.
To include the settings information, you use utility
commands assigned to the memory recall buttons in the
utility control block and the cross-point buttons in the
cross-point control block.
"Macro AT with Rate" utility command:
When registering an auto transition macro event in the
transition control block, include the transition rate.
"Macro AT with A/B Bus" utility command:
When registering an auto transition macro event in the
transition control block, include the background
A bus/B bus cross-points.
"Macro TL with Region" utility command:
When registering a macro event on an effect timeline,
include the target region.
Editing a macro
You can insert, modify, and delete events in a recalled
macro register.
Merging macros
When creating/editing a macro, you can recall a macro
register on a control block that is not in edit mode and then
merge the recalled macro with the macro being created/
If macro register 1 is recalled while editing macro register
Recall register 2, and move
to any event.
Macro being edited
(register 2)
Add macro from register 1 after current event in
register 2.
Auto insert mode
When creating or editing a macro with auto insert mode
enabled, control panel operations and menu operations are
automatically inserted as an event.
When you start creating or editing a macro with the macro
execution mode set to normal execution mode, auto insert
mode is automatically enabled. In step execution mode, it
is disabled.
Auto pause insert mode
In addition to the auto insert mode function, auto pause
insert mode automatically inserts a pause event between
The time between an event being inserted and the next
event being inserted is set as the pause time.
When macros are merged, pause events are not
automatically inserted.
Executing a Macro
Pausing and resuming a macro
Pause event
You can insert a pause event to pause macro execution.
This is useful for adjusting the event execution timing.
You can set a pause time in the range of 0 to 999 frames.
When the set pause time elapses, macro execution
automatically resumes.
When the pause time is set to "0", macro execution does
not automatically resume. You can resume with arbitrary
timing using the take operation.
Recall register 1.
Recalled macro
(register 1)
Macro in register 1 remains