DME Wipe Snapshot
Register Operations
Displaying a DME Wipe Snapshot
In the Home > Register > DME Wipe Snapshot > Edit
Register > Browse menu (18305.11), perform the same
operation as for a wipe snapshot register.
For details about the method of operation, see
"Displaying a Wipe Snapshot Register" (page 227).
Editing a DME Wipe Snapshot
You can copy, move, and swap a DME wipe snapshot
register in the following menu in the same way as for a
wipe snapshot register.
Home > Register > DME Wipe Snapshot > Edit Register >
Copy/Move/Swap menu (18305.12)
For details about the method of operation, see "Editing a
Wipe Snapshot Register" (page 227).
You can lock, delete, and rename a DME wipe snapshot
register in the following menu in the same way as for a
wipe snapshot register.
Home > Register > DME Wipe Snapshot > Edit Register >
Browse menu (18305.11)
For details about the method of operation, see "Editing a
Wipe Snapshot Register" (page 227).