Extended instructions
8.7 Recipes and Data logs
Second, create a recipe data block
● Create your recipe DB as a global data block with the DB property "Only store in load
memory" enabled.
● The name of a recipe data block is used as file name of the corresponding CSV file. The
DB name characters you assign must follow the Windows file system naming restrictions.
Characters \ / : * ? " < > | and the space character are not allowed.
● The recipe array assignment is "Products" as Array [1.. 5] of "Beer_Recipe". The array
size 5 is the maximum number of recipe flavors that are possible.
● The values for recipe components are added as DB start values.
In the following image, the "BlackBeer" recipe is expanded to show all the components of a
recipe record.
Recipe export (from recipe DB to CSV file)
"RecipeExport (Page 374)" execution transfers recipe DB data to a CSV file, as shown in the
following text file.
4 "Not_used",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
5 "Not_used",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 03/2014, A5E02486680-AG