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Technology instructions
9.3 Motion control
To enable an axis with configured drive interface, follow these steps:
1. Check the requirements indicated above.
2. Initialize input parameter "StopMode" with the desired value. Set input parameter
"Enable" to TRUE.
The enable output for "Drive enabled" changes to TRUE to enable the power to the drive.
The CPU waits for the "Drive ready" signal of the drive.
When the "Drive ready" signal is available at the configured ready input of the CPU, the
axis becomes enabled. Output parameter "Status" and technology object tag <Axis
name>.StatusBits.Enable indicates the value TRUE.
To enable an axis without configured drive interface, follow these steps:
1. Check the requirements indicated above.
2. Initialize input parameter "StopMode" with the desired value. Set input parameter
"Enable" to TRUE. The axis is enabled. Output parameter "Status" and technology object
tag <Axis name>.StatusBits.Enable indicate the value TRUE.
To disable an axis, follow these steps:
1. Bring the axis to a standstill.
You can identify when the axis is at a standstill in technology object tag <Axis
2. Set input parameter "Enable" to FALSE after standstill is reached.
3. If output parameters "Busy" and "Status" and technology object tag <Axis
name>.StatusBits.Enable indicate the value FALSE, disabling of the axis is complete.
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 03/2014, A5E02486680-AG


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