Recipe import (from CSV file to recipe DB)
1. Use the file browser page in the CPU web server to download an existing recipe CSV file
2. Modify the recipe CSV with an ASCII text editor. You can modify the start values
3. Upload the modified CSV file from PC back to the CPU. However, the old CSV file in CPU
4. After the modified CSV file is uploaded to the CPU, then you can use the RecipeImport
CSV files must exactly match the corresponding recipe DB structure
● The values in the CSV file can be changed, but changing the structure is not allowed. The
● If you add data records to the text file and import the modified file, make sure the recipe
● An index number is automatically generated during export to the CSV file. If you create
● RecipeImport execution checks the CSV file data for correct structure and whether the
Display CSV recipe data in Excel
The CSV file can be opened in Excel to make reading and editing easier. If the commas are
not recognized as decimal separators, use the Excel import function to output the data in
structured form
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 03/2014, A5E02486680-AG
from CPU load memory to a PC
assigned to components, but not the data types or data structure
load memory (with the same name) must be deleted or renamed before the CPU Web
server allows the upload operation.
instruction to transfer the new start values from the modified CSV file (in CPU load
memory) to the recipe DB (in CPU load memory).
RecipeImport instruction requires that the exact number of records and components
matches the destination recipe DB structure. Otherwise, RecipeImport execution fails. For
example, if 10 recipes are defined in the recipe DB but only 6 are in use, then line 7 to 10
in the CSV file are also transferred to the DB. You must coordinate whether this data is
valid or not. For example, you can assign a variable "Not_used" for the product name in
unused recipe records.
DB array limit you assign has enough elements for all the recipe records.
additional data records, add consecutive index numbers accordingly.
values fit in the data types assigned in the associated recipe DB. For example, a Bool
data type cannot store an integer value and the RecipeImport execution fails.
Extended instructions
8.7 Recipes and Data logs