Command type
Velocity setpoint
Prerequisites for MC_CommandTable execution:
● The technology object TO_Axis_PTO V2.0 must be correctly configured.
● The technology object TO_CommandTable_PTO must be correctly configured.
● The axis must be released.
Override response
The MC_CommandTable task can be
aborted by the following motion control
• MC_Home Mode = 3
• MC_Halt
• MC_MoveAbsolute
• MC_MoveRelative
• MC_MoveVelocity
• MC_MoveJog
• MC_CommandTable
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, 03/2014, A5E02486680-AG
Moves the axis at the given velocity.
Waits until the given period is over. "Wait" does not stop an active traversing motion.
Adds a "Separator" line above the selected line. The separator line allows more than one
profile to be defined in a single command table.
The new MC_CommandTable task aborts the
following active motion control tasks:
• MC_Home Mode = 3
• MC_Halt
• MC_MoveAbsolute
• MC_MoveRelative
• MC_MoveVelocity
• MC_MoveJog
• MC_CommandTable
• The current motion control job with the
launch of the first "Positioning Relative",
"Positioning Absolute", "Velocity setpoint"
or "Halt" command
Technology instructions
9.3 Motion control