R1: Referencing
15.3 Channelspecific referencing
DB11, ... DBX0.7 (mode group reset)
DB21, ... DBX7.7 (channel reset)
All machine axes that have not yet successfully completed reference point approach when the
action is cancelled remain in status "Not referenced":
DB31, ... DBX60.4 (referenced / synchronized 1)
DB31, ... DBX60.5 (referenced / synchronized 2)
Channelspecific referencing
For channel-specific referencing, all machine axes of the channel are referenced in the
parameterized sequence when reference point approach is initiated.
Selecting mode and machine function
Before starting the reference point approach of the machine axes, the associated mode group
must be switched into the JOG or MDI operating mode:
DB11, ... DBX0.2 (active JOG mode)
DB11, ... DBX0.1 (active MDI mode)
Then machine function REF (reference point approach) must be selected:
DB11, ... DBX1.2 (REF machine function)
Parameterizing the axis sequence
The following machine data element is used to specify the sequence in which the machine
axes of the channel are referenced:
1 - 15
The machine axes are referenced in ascending order of numbers.
Machine axes with the same number will be referenced simultaneously.
Simultaneous reference point approach of several machine axes
Several machine axes can be referenced simultaneously, depending on the control:
Start of reference point approach
Channel-specific reference point approach is started with:
DB21, ... DBX1.0 (activate referencing)
The machine axis does not have to be referenced for NC START in the channel.
The machine axis does not participate in channel-specific reference point approach.
Sequence number in channel-specific reference point approach.
< number>
Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2
Basic Functions