DB21, ... DBX0.6 (activate dry run feedrate).
When selected on the PLC, the interface signal DB21, ... DBX0.6 (activate dry run feedrate)
must be set from the PLC user program.
As long as the "Activate dry run feedrate" interface signal is set, instead of the programmed
feedrate, the feedrate value set via SD42100 DRY_RUN_FEED is effective in the way specified
via SD42101 $SC_DRY_RUN_FEED_MODE (see parameterization):
The dry run feedrate is always interpreted as linear feedrate (G94).
Activation of dry run feedrate
The time of activation depends on the setting in the machine data:
MD10704 $MN_DRYRUN_MASK (activation of dry run feedrate)
Changing the dry run feedrate
The feedrate for the dry run is entered in the setting data:
SD42100 $SC_DRY_RUN_FEED (dry run feedrate)
The setting data can be changed via the operator panel front in the "Parameters" operating
If the selection has been accepted by the NCK, the following NC/PLC interface signal is set:
DB21, ... DBX318.6 (dry run feedrate active)
"DRY" is displayed in the operator panel front status bar to indicate an active dry run feedrate
● Selection took place during the program stop at the end of a block or
● The machine data MD10704 $MN_DRYRUN_MASK was set to "1" during the program
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2
The dry run feedrate may only be switched on and off at the end of the block (default setting).
The dry run feedrate can also be activated during the program processing (in the part pro‐
gram block).
Activation during processing triggers an internal reorganization operation on the controller
which causes the axes to be stopped for a short time. This can affect the surface finish of
the workpiece being machined.
The dry run feedrate can be activated/deactivated at any time without the axes being stop‐
ped. The function only takes effect with a block "later" in the program run.
V1: Feedrates
17.4 Feedrate control