Z1: NC/PLC interface signals
19.12 Feeds (V1)
DB31, ...
Feed stop / spindle stop (axis-specific)
Application exam‐
Feed stop:
The traversing motion of the machine axes is not started with "feed stop", if, for example, certain
operating states exist at the machine that do not permit the axes to be moved (e.g. a door is not
Spindle stop:
In order to change a tool
To enter help functions (M, S, H, T, D and F functions) during setup.
Special cases,
Spindle stop is inactive when G331, G332 are active.
errors, ......
DB31, ...
Spindle override
Edge evaluation: No
Signal state 1 or
The spindle override can be defined via the PLC in binary or Gray coding.
edge change
The override value determines the percentage of the programmed speed setpoint that is issued to
0 → 1
the spindle.
With binary coding, the override is interpreted in %. 0% to 200% feed changes are possible, in ac‐
cordance with the binary value in the byte.
The following permanent assignment applies:
Binary values > 200 are limited to 200%.
The machine data:
MD12100 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_LIMIT_BIN (limit for binary-coded override switch)
can be used to additionally limit the maximum spindle override.
Signal(s) updated: Cyclically
Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2
Basic Functions