● Switch over skip block, switch over Dry Run
● Editing in the modes
● Compensation block alarms
● Overstore
● Rapid retraction with G33, G34, G35
● Subprogram level abort, subprogram abort
Response after POWER ON
The active gear stage on the machine can be specified by the PLC after POWER ON and in
the RESET state.
The NCK will then select the appropriate parameter set
and check back the NC/PLC interface signals:
DB31, ... DBX82.0-82.2 (set gear stage A to C)
to the PLC.
Gear step change with oscillation mode
What is oscillation?
Oscillation in this context means that the spindle motor rotates alternately in the clockwise and
counter-clockwise directions. This oscillation movement makes it easy to engage a new gear
Oscillation mode
DB31, ... DBX82.3 (change gear)
displays that a gear stage change is required.
In principle, the new gear stage can also be engaged without oscillation
1. MD35010 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE must be set to 1.
2. NC/PLC interface signal DB31, ... DBX84.6 (oscillation mode) is set.
3. The acceleration is set in the machine data:
DB31, ... DBX18.5 (oscillation speed)
The spindle is in oscillation mode if a new gear stage was defined using automatic gear stage
selection (M40) or M41 to M45 (DB31, ... DBX82.3 (change gear) is set).
DB31, ... DBX82.3 (change gear)
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2
S1: Spindles
16.4 Configurable gear adaptation