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Working With Tool Environments; General; Saving With Toolenv - Siemens SINUMERIK 840D sl Function Manual

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W1: Tool offset

18.12 Working with tool environments

Working with tool environments


The current states of tool data can be processed using the functions below, which are generally
● Save
● Deletion
● Read
● Modify
A further function can be used to determine information about the assignment of the tool lengths
of the active tool to the abscissa, ordinate and applicate.

Saving with TOOLENV

Scope of a tool environment
The TOOLENV memory function is used to save any current states needed for the evaluation
of tool data stored in the memory.
The individual data are as follows:
● The active G code of group 6 (G17,G18,G19)
● The active G code of group 56 (TOWSTD, TOWMCS, TOWWCS, TOWBCS, TOWTCS, TOWKCS)
● The active transverse axis
● Machine data:
MD18112 $MN_MM_KIND_OF_SUMCORR (Properties of sum offsets in the TO area)
● Machine data:
MD20360 $MC_TOOL_PARAMETER_DEF_MASK (definition of tool parameters).
● Setting data:
SD42900 $SC_MIRROR_TOOL_LENGTH (Sign change tool length when mirroring)
● Setting data:
SD42910 $SC_MIRROR_TOOL_WEAR (Sign change tool wear when mirroring)
● Setting data:
SD42920 $SC_WEAR_SIGN_CUTPOS (Sign of wear for tools with cutting edge systems)
● Setting data:
SD42930 $SC_WEAR_SIGN (sign of wear)
● Setting data:
SD42935 $SC_WEAR_TRANSFORM (transformations for tool components)
Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2
Basic Functions


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This manual is also suitable for:

Sinumerik 828dSinumerik 840de sl

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