Working area limitation
With the aid of the working area limitation, the traversing range of the axes can be further
restricted in addition to the limit switches. One value pair per axis may be used to describe the
protected working area.
Working memory
The working memory is a RAM in the → CPU that the processor accesses when processing
the application program.
Part to be made/machined by the machine tool.
Workpiece contour
Set contour of the → workpiece to be created or machined.
Workpiece coordinate system
The workpiece coordinate system has its starting point in the → workpiece zero-point. In
machining operations programmed in the workpiece coordinate system, the dimensions and
directions refer to this system.
Workpiece zero
The workpiece zero is the starting point for the → workpiece coordinate system. It is defined
in terms of distances to the → machine zero.
Zero offset
Specifies a new reference point for a coordinate system through reference to an existing zero
point and a → frame.
1. Settable
A configurable number of settable zero offsets are available for each CNC axis. The offsets
- which are selected by means of G functions - take effect alternatively.
2. External
In addition to all the offsets which define the position of the workpiece zero, an external
zero offset can be overridden by means of the handwheel (DRF offset) or from the PLC.
3. Programmable
Zero offsets can be programmed for all path and positioning axes using the TRANS
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2