Tag status
The Tag status page allows you to view any of the I/O or memory data in your CPU. You can
enter a direct address (such as %I0.0), a PLC tag name, or a tag from a specific data block.
For data block tags, you enclose the data block name in double quotation marks. For each
monitor value you can select a display format for the data. You can continue entering and
specifying values until you have as many as you want within the limitations for the page. The
monitor values show up automatically. You can click the "Refresh" button at any time to
refresh all of the monitor values. If you have enabled automatic update in STEP 7
(Page 1003), you can click the "Off" icon in the upper right area of the page to disable it.
When automatic update is disabled, you can click "On" to re-enable it.
Viewing the Tag status page requires the "read tag status" privilege.
If you login as a user with the "write tag status" privilege (Page 1013), you can also modify
data values. Enter any values that you wish to set in the appropriate "Modify Value" field.
Click the "Go" button beside a value to write that value to the CPU. You can also enter
multiple values and click "Apply" to write all of the values to the CPU. The buttons and
column labels for modifying only appear if you have the "write tag status" privilege.
If you leave the Tag status page and return, the Tag status page does not retain your
entries. You can bookmark the page and return to the bookmark to see the same entries. If
you do not bookmark the page, you must re-enter the variables.
For values you frequently monitor or modify, consider using a Watch table (Page 1033)
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, V4.2, 09/2016, A5E02486680-AK
Web server
12.6 Standard Web pages