Technical specifications
A.6 CPU 1214C
Table A- 52
Power supply
Technical data
Voltage range
Line frequency
Input current
CPU only
(max. load)
CPU with all expansion
Inrush current (max.)
Isolation (input power to logic)
Ground leakage, AC line to functional
Hold up time (loss of power)
Internal fuse, not user replaceable
Table A- 53
Sensor power
Technical data
Voltage range
Output current rating (max.)
Maximum ripple noise (<10 MHz)
Isolation (CPU logic to sensor power)
CPU 1214C
85 to 264 V AC
47 to 63 Hz
100 mA at 120 V AC
50 mA at 240 V AC
300 mA at 120 V AC
150 mA at 240 V AC
20 A at 264 V AC
1500 V AC
0.5 mA max.
20 ms at 120 V AC
80 ms at 240 V AC
3 A, 250 V, slow blow
CPU 1214C
20.4 to 28.8 V DC
400 mA (short-circuit protected)
< 1 V peak to peak
Not isolated
CPU 1214C
CPU 1214C
20.4 V DC to 28.8 V DC
500 mA at 24 V DC
1500 mA at 24 V DC
12 A at 28.8 V DC
Not isolated
10 ms at 24 V DC
CPU 1214C
CPU 1214C
L+ minus 4 V DC min.
Same as input line
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, V4.2, 09/2016, A5E02486680-AK