AWP command summary
The details for using each AWP command are in the topics to follow, but here is a brief
summary of the commands:
Reading variables
Writing variables
<!-- AWP_In_Variable Name='<Varname1>' [Use='<Varname2>'] ... -->
This AWP command merely declares the variable in the Name clause to be writable. Your
HTML code performs writes to the variable by name from <input>, <select>, or other HTML
statements within an HTML form.
Reading special variables
<!-- AWP_Out_Variable Name='<Type>:<Name>' [Use='<Varname>'] -->
Writing special variables
<!-- AWP_In_Variable Name='<Type>:<Name>' [Use='<Varname>']-->
Defining enum types
AWP_Enum_Def Name='<Enum type name>' Values='<Value>, <Value>,... '
Referencing enum types
<!-- AWP_In_Variable Name='<Varname>' Enum="<Enum type name>" -->
<!-- AWP_Out_Variable Name='<Varname>' Enum="<Enum type name>" -->
Creating fragments
<!-- AWP_Start_Fragment Name='<Name>' [Type=<Type>][ID=<id>] -->
Importing fragments
<!-- AWP_Import_Fragment Name='<Name>' -->
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, V4.2, 09/2016, A5E02486680-AK
Web server
12.7 User-defined Web pages