Communication processor and Modbus TCP
13.7 Legacy USS communication (CM/CB 1241 only)
Legacy USS status codes
USS instruction status codes are returned at the STATUS output of the USS functions.
Table 13- 128 STATUS codes
No error
The length of the drive response did not match the characters received from the drive. The drive number
where the error occurred is returned in the "USS_Extended_Error" variable. See the extended error
description below this table.
VALUE parameter was not a Word, Real or DWord data type.
The user supplied a Word for a parameter value and received a DWord or Real from the drive in the
The user supplied a DWord or Real for a parameter value and received a Word from the drive in the
The response telegram from drive had a bad checksum. The drive number where the error occurred is
returned in the "USS_Extended_Error" variable. See the extended error description below this table.
Illegal drive address (valid drive address range: 1 to16)
The speed set point is out of the valid range (valid speed SP range: -200% to 200%).
The wrong drive number responded to the request sent. The drive number where the error occurred is
returned in the "USS_Extended_Error" variable. See the extended error description below this table.
Illegal PZD word length specified (valid range = 2, 4, 6 or 8 words)
Illegal Baud Rate was specified.
The parameter request channel is in use by another request for this drive.
The drive has not responded to requests and retries. The drive number where the error occurred is
returned in the "USS_Extended_Error" variable. See the extended error description below this table.
The drive returned an extended error on a parameter request operation. See the extended error descrip-
tion below this table.
The drive returned an illegal access error on a parameter request operation. See your drive manual for
information of why parameter access may be limited.
The drive has not been initialized. This error code is returned to USS_RPM or USS_WPM when
USS_DRV, for that drive, has not been called at least once. This keeps the initialization on first scan of
USS_DRV from overwriting a pending parameter read or write request, since it initializes the drive as a
new entry. To fix this error, call USS_DRV for this drive number.
Specific errors returned from PtP communication FBs called by the USS Library - These error code
values are not modified by the USS library and are defined in the PtP instruction descriptions.
In addition to the USS instruction errors listed above, errors can be returned from the
underlying PtP communication instructions.
For several STATUS codes, additional information is provided in the "USS_Extended_Error"
variable of the USS_DRV Instance DB. For STATUS codes hexadecimal 8180, 8184, 8187,
and 818B, USS_Extended_Error contains the drive number where the communication error
occurred. For STATUS code hexadecimal 818C, USS_Extended_Error contains a drive error
code returned from the drive when using a USS_RPM or USS_WPM instruction.
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, V4.2, 09/2016, A5E02486680-AK