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Network Communications; Modbus Data Mapping - Siemens Moore 353 User Manual

Process automation controller
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This section provides an overview of the data that can be obtained from the station using Modbus, LIL, or Ethernet,
which provides Modbus over Ethernet protocol. In the Modbus over Ethernet protocol all listed Modbus items are
available but are embedded in the Modbus/Ethernet protocol frame. Refer to Section 7 for detailed list of the actual


Modbus is a master/slave protocol where a master device (e.g. PC-based operator workstation) sends commands to
one slave (i.e. Moore 353 Process Automation Controller) and waits for a response. Each station has a unique
network address (1-32), configured as part of the station parameters, that identifies a specific controller.
Data is assigned to either a register (16-bit word) or a coil (1-bit). An IEEE floating point number (Real) is
assigned to 2 consecutive registers with the first containing the most significant and the second the least significant
portion of the floating point number.
The station supports Modbus function codes 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08, and 16. Section 7 provides a listing of
available data and specific locations within the Modbus map. The following is the overview for the Modbus data
Station Coils......................................................................................x0001 - x0071
Loop Coils.........................................................................................x0296 - x1495
Extended Loop Coils (ODD Pushbuttons) V2.1 ...............................x8701 - x9100
Sequencer Loop I/O Coils (ref. MSLCP pointer) ............................x1496 - x2263
LonWorks Remote I/O Coils (Moore 352P, 353, & 354/354N).......x2401 - x3976
Ubus Discrete I/O States & Forcing V2.1 (Procidia)........................x4001 - x5500
(spares)..............................................................................................x5501 - x9100
Loop PCOM Block Coils ..................................................................x9101 - x9999
Station Data (16-bit integer)..............................................................x0001 - x0100
Station String Data (ASCII) ..............................................................x0101 - x0200
Loop Dynamic Data (16-bit integer).................................................x0201 - x0450
Loop Variable Data (16-bit integer)..................................................x0451 - x1200
Loop Static Data (16-bit integer) ......................................................x1201 - x1950
Loop Dynamic Data (32-bit floating point) ......................................x1951 - x2450
Loop Variable Data (32-bit floating point) .......................................x2451 - x3950
Loop Static Data (32-bit floating point)............................................x3951 - x5450
Loop String Data (ASCII).................................................................x5451 - x7950
Ubus Module Types (Procidia) .........................................................x7951 - x8000
Loop Trend Data (ref. MLTP pointer) ..............................................x8001 - x9000
(spares)..............................................................................................x9001 - x9999
March 2003
Network Communications

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