This section describes installation of a Moore 353 Process Automation Controller. Topics include: installation
considerations and mechanical and electrical installation.
The installation must conform to the National Electrical Code and all other
applicable construction and electrical codes.
Section 1.4.4 has a list of the items in a typical controller shipment. If the Display Assembly or a circuit board(s)
must be installed in the case, go to Section 11.5 Assembly Replacement for installation information, including the
setting of any involved jumpers.
Refer to Section 14.10 Agency Approvals as necessary. CSA Hazardous Location Precautions and Special
Conditions for Safe Use are included in this section. Use of the equipment in a manner not specified by the
manufacturer may impair the protection provided by the equipment.
A Moore 353 is intended for flush panel mounting in a vibration free instrument panel or rack in an indoor or
sheltered location. Mount a single controller in a single-station panel cutout or mount several controllers in a row in
a multiple-station panel cutout. For a watertight panel, mount each controller in a single-station cutout.
Controllers have been supplied with either "direct entry connectors" or "side entry connectors." Connector types,
panel cutout dimensions, and overall controller dimensions are shown in Section 8.3 Mechanical Installation.
The controller can be mounted in a user-supplied enclosure located out-of-doors or in a location whose
environmental parameters exceed controller operating specifications. A thin bead of silicon sealant is often applied
between the controller's Display Assembly and the mounting panel to prevent air or liquid leakage at this joint.
Do not mount the controller where direct sunlight can strike the faceplate or case. Direct sunlight can make the
displays difficult to read and will interfere with heat dissipation.
Mount the controller either horizontally or with a backward tilt (i.e. the front of the case higher than the rear). If the
controller is to be mounted with some electronic recorders or with pneumatic recorders or stations, tilt back
restrictions for these units can have a bearing on panel design and layout.
Route electrical power to the controller through a clearly labeled circuit breaker, fuse, or on-off switch that is
located near the controller and is accessible by the operator. The breaker or switch should be located in a non-
explosive atmosphere unless suitable for use in an explosive atmosphere.
Thermocouple inputs are accommodated with an I/O Expander board and a Reference Junction temperature sensor.
At the factory, two Reference Junctions are included in a Range Resistor and Reference Installation Kit.
Jumpers on the MPU Controller board are discussed in Sections 11.3 Troubleshooting and 11.5 Assembly
Replacement. Refer to this material when installing or storing a controller or an MPU Controller board.
Operate a controller within its environmental specifications to help ensure reliable, trouble-free operation with
minimum down time. Refer to Section 14.8 for controller operating temperatures limits, operating humidity, and
maximum moisture content.
March 2003