This section contains definitions for many of the abbreviations and acronyms that frequently appear in this User's
Manual. Less frequently used terms are defined where they appear. Where a term has more than one meaning,
context will usually indicate the meaning. Terms that identify a function block are indicated by (FB).
A - ampere(s)
AC - action, alternating current
ACS - Arccosine (FB)
ACT - acting
ADD - Addition (FB), address
AIE - Analog Input - Ethernet (FB)
AIN - Analog Input (FB)
AINU - Analog Input Universal (FB)
A/M - auto/manual
AOE - Analog Output - Ethernet (FB)
APACS - Advanced Process Automation and Control
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information
ASN - Arcsine (FB)
AT - adaptive time, autotune transfer
ATD - Analog Trend Display (FB)
ATN - Arctangent (FB)
AWG - American Wire Gauge
BAT - battery
BATSW - Batch Switch (FB)
BATOT - Batch Totalizer (FB)
BPL - batch pre-load
BOD - Basic Operator Display
C - centigrade
CAL - calibrate, calibration
CHN - channel
CHR - Characterizer (FB)
CHAN - channel
CIE - Coil Input - Ethernet (FB)
CL - console/local
CMP - Comparator (FB)
COS -Cosine (FB)
D - deviation, denominator
DAM - Deviation Amplifier (FB)
DC - direct current
DEG - degrees
DEV - deviation
DG - derivative gain
DIE - Digital Input -Ethernet (FB)
DID - Digital Input Discrete (FB)
DIG - digital
DIL - Discrete Input LIL (FB)
DIN - Digital Input (FB)
DINU - Digital Input Universal (FB)
DIR - direct
DIS - Digital Input_State
DISP - display
DIV - Division (FB)
March 2003
Abbreviations And Acronyms
DLY - delay
DMM - digital multimeter
DNC - Divide by N Counter (FB)
DOD - Digital Output Discrete (FB)
DOE - Digital Output -Ethernet (FB)
DOL - Discrete Output - LIL (FB)
DOS - Digital Output_State (FB)
DOUT - Digital Output (FB)
DPP - decimal point position
DTM - Dead Time Table (FB)
DWNLD - download
DYT - Delay Timer (FB)
E/I - External/Internal Transfer Switch (FB)
EM - EMER MAN - emergency manual
EN - enable, enabled
ENG - engineering (units)
ERR - error
ESL - Events Sequence Logger (FB)
ESN - Execution Sequence Number
ET - elapsed time
EXP - Natural Exponent (FB)
EXT - Exponentiation (FB)
F - Fahrenheit
FAC - factory
FB - function block
FCO - Factory Configured Option
FREQ - frequency
ft. - feet
FTG - Falling Edge Trigger (FB)
GB - Gain & Bias (FB)
GS - go to step
GW - global word (LIL)
H - hold
HART - Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
HI - high
HLD - Hold (FB)
HYS - hysteresis
Hz - Hertz
ICI - Independent Computer Interface (Model 320)
ID - ID Controller (FB), identity
in. - inch
INIT - initial
I/O - input/output
IO - internal override
k - kilo (prefix) 10
K - Kelvin