Abbreviations And Acronyms
lb. - pound(s)
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LIB - library
LIL - Local Instrument Link
LL - Lead/Lag (FB)
LMT - Limit (FB)
LN_ - Natural Logarithm (FB)
LO - low, lockout
LOG - Logarithm Base 10 (FB)
m - milli (prefix) 10
, meter
M - mega (prefix) 10
MA - moving average
MAX - maximum
MB - Modbus
MD - Message Display
MIN - minimum
MR - manual reset
MSG - Message
MTH - Math (FB)
MUL - Multiplication (FB), multiply, multiplication
N - number, numerator
NC - normally closed
NND - NAND Logic (FB)
NO - normally open
NOR - NOR Logic (FB)
NOT - NOT Logic (FB)
NUM - number
NV - network variable
NVRAM - non-volatile random access memory
ODC - Operator Display for Controllers (FB)
ODS - Operator Display for Sequencer (FB)
ON/OFF - On/Off Controller (FB)
OP - operation
OR - OR Logic (FB), override
ORSL - Override Select (FB)
OST - One Shot Timer (FB)
P - process
PAC - Process Automation Controller
PARM - parameter
PB - Pushbutton
PB#SW - Pushbutton # Switch (FB)
PC - personal computer
PCOM - Phase Communication (FB)
PD - PD Controller (FB)
PG - proportional gain
PID - PID Controller (FB),
PIDAG - PIDAG Controller (FB),
proportional/integral/derivative/adaptive gain
PRSEQ - Program Sequencer (FB)
PTR - pointer
PU - Power Up
PUL - pulse
Q - quality
QHD - Quickset Hold (FB)
QS - quick set, quality status
QSPI - Queued Serial Peripheral Interface
R - reset, Rankine
RCB - Removable Configuration Board
RCT - Repeat Cycle Timer (FB)
RD - received data
Rev - revision
RG - range
RLM - Rate Limiter (FB)
RN - recipe number
ROT - Retentive On Timer (FB)
ROUT - Relay Output (FB)
RSF - RS Flip-Flop (FB)
RT - remaining time
RTD - resistance temperature detector
RTG - Rising Edge Trigger (FB)
S - setpoint, set
SCL - Scaler (FB)
SEN - sensor
SB - step backward
SEL - Signal Selector (FB)
SETPT - Setpoint (FB)
SF - step forward
SIN_ - Sine (FB)
SL - setpoint limit
SLTA - Serial Link Talk Adapter
SN - step number
SPLIM - Setpoint Limit (FB)
SQ - square root
SR - start ramp
SRF - SR Flip-Flop (FB)
SRT - Square Root (FB)
SS - stainless steel, standby synchronization
ST - status
STA - station
STATN - station
SUB - Subtraction (FB), subtract
SW - switch
TAN_ - Tangent (FB)
TC - thermocouple, track command
TD - time derivative
TH - Track & Hold (FB)
TI - time integral
TIM - timer
TO - tracked output
TOT - totalizer
TSW - Transfer Switch (FB)
TV - track variable
V - valve, volt(s)
VAL - value
March 2003