This section provides loop and station data mapping for Modbus, Local Instrument Link, and Ethernet. Modbus is
standard. LIL and Ethernet option boards are available and the correct board must be installed to enable either
communication protocol. With the Ethernet option, data is accessed using Modbus commands embedded within the
TCP protocol. This is becoming known within the industry as the Open Modbus/TCP Protocol.
The controller has an RS232 port that always communicates via Modbus. It is located on the underside of the
operator faceplate.
Each controller also has a multi-drop network connection that is either Modbus, LIL (when the optional LIL board
is installed), or Ethernet (when the optional Ethernet board is installed). The Ethernet connection is made using the
standard RJ45 connector. The network can interconnect:
Procidia i|pac, Moore 352Plus, Moore 353 and Moore 354N Controllers and a computer running i|ware PC,
ProcessSuite™, MYCROADVANTAGE™ or other operator interface software that includes the
communication driver (e.g. Modbus, LIL (320), or OPC Ethernet) in the controller.
Procidia i|pac, Moore 352Plus, Moore 353 and Moore 354N Controllers and an APACS
Advanced Control Module via Modbus or LIL
The network permits data to be uploaded from the station to the computer or workstation. This data is typically used
for process and alarm monitoring, additional processing of the data for inventory management and accounting, and
process and equipment troubleshooting. Data can be downloaded to the station to change setpoint or valve value,
change control mode, and acknowledge alarms.
Proprietary data transfers associated with configuration upload/download or on-line monitoring associated with the
i|config Graphical Configuration Utility are not described. MPU Controller firmware versions are identified as
explained in earlier sections.
7.1.1 APACS
A Model 39ACM (Advanced Control Module) supports both Modbus and LIL connections. Use the standard
Modbus Master Function Block Library to communicate with a station. When requesting Modbus data, do not
exceed 48 coils or 60 registers per request. A LIL function block library (P/N 15939-625V4.00 ACM Serial
Communication FB Library LIL) that provides a method for connecting the ACM to standard LIL stations is
available. The library includes a Moore 352P/353/354 Loop block. The current release of the library maps the
352P/353/354 as having 3-loops located at channels 8, 13, and 18. Therefore, it is necessary to configure ODC
function blocks for these channels. It is expected that later releases of the library will allow multiple loops, up to
maximum allowed. Also, data from additional loops can be obtained by using a combination of other library
functions such as LIL_GBL, LIL_NGBL, and LIL_CMD.
Model 320 Driver
MYCROADVANTAGE provides a LIL(320) driver that will communicate with stations on a Local Instrument Link
(LIL). Standard, predefined parameter tables for many LIL products (e.g. Models 351 and 352) are within
MYCROADVANTAGE to simplify configuration. MYCROADVANTAGE release 3.32 does not include a Model
352P/353/354 predefined parameter table. However, when up to three control loops are to be configured in a Model
352P, 353 or 354, use the Model 351 predefined parameter table and configure the ODC blocks in the loops to
channels 8, 13, and 18. This method will work since the loop data in the controller is the same as a 351and is
located at the same relative offsets as in a 351. Loops can also be configured individually. Details on the
configuration can be found the MYCROADVANTAGE user manual.
March 2003
Data Mapping
Model 39ACM