Idle (0)
Idle (20)
Confirm 2 (2)
Gas 2 (3)
Confirm 3 (4)
Gas 3 (5)
Confirm 4 (6)
Service calibration
Gas 4 (7)
Confirm 5 (8)
Gas 5 (9)
Confirm 6 (10)
Gas 6 (11)
Confirm 7 (12)
Base calibration
Gas 7 (13)
Confirm 8 (24)
Gas 8 (25)
Confirm 9 (26)
Gas 9 (27)
Error (21)
Error (6)
Step error/Failure (23)
If parameterized, it is possible to display another standard and switch between the standards,
therefore the appearance of the appropriate line varies, see following examples with 2 calculation
Figure 7.47: Examples for the appearance of the main display with 2 calculation standards
Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
Device in idle state
Wait for confirmations by user
Recording measurements, calibration gas 2
Wait for confirmations by user
Recording measurements, calibration gas 3
Wait for confirmations by user
Recording measurements, calibration gas 4
Wait for confirmations by user
Recording measurements, calibration gas 5
Wait for confirmations by user
Recording measurements, calibration gas 6
Wait for confirmations by user
Recording measurements, calibration gas 7
Wait for confirmations by user
Recording measurements, calibration gas 8
Wait for confirmations by user
Recording measurements, calibration gas 9
Save the calibration data
The device is not functioning correctly, see error list
In the center is the current standard with
the standard states. In this example, it is
standard A ISO 6976 25°C 0°C.
A link to the alternatively selectable
standard appears to the right, in the
Activate the link using the superimposition
keys, this will change the display as follows:
Text Main display changes to Standard B,
and indicates that the figure to the side is
displaying results using standard B.
In the middle of the second line the
standard B with the standard states is now
named in the example, it is ASTM 3588
14.696 psia.
To the right the link
Standard A
which enables you to switch back again.
is shown,
GasLab Q2