Display formats for pre-defined and user-defined units can be parameterized. You can easily
determine the format string using graphical operation elements. Alternatively, you can also
manually adjust the format string. You call the format string depending on whether you change a
pre-defined or a user defined unit:
To change the display format for a pre-defined unit open in branch
Service the tab Display formats.
Select the physical quantity from the drop-down menu for which you want to change the
display format of a unit. The table lists all associated (pre-defined) units with format strings.
Mark the row showing the desired unit.
To change the display format for a user defined unit open the branch
Service – User defined Units.
On tab Parameter select the user defined unit or add a new unit. Mark the Format string.
Continue with further steps (the same for pre-defined and user defined units).
The control elements will be displayed in the lower area of the tab so you can change the display
format. The live values of the format strings are preset.
To display the value in decimal notation on the device select the checkbox Decimal notation.
Adjust the representation of the figures before the decimal point:
To only show the significant figures before the decimal point, select All significant digits.
This setting is typically used for measurements.
To limit the number of figures before the decimal point, select the maximum number <1 to
12> digits before the decimal point.
To add leading zeros, select the checkbox Show leading zeros. This setting is typically
used for counters.
Adjust the representation of decimal places:
To only show whole numbers, select the checkbox No digits.
To display a fixed number of figures after the decimal point, select the relevant checkbox
and the desired number of digits. Filling zeros will be added where applicable.
To display the value in exponential notation on the device select the checkbox
Exponential notation (normalized).
Regardless of the representation selected your changes will be implemented in the Format string
column immediately as a format string. If necessary, you can restore the pre-defined display
format at a later point using [Restore default].
Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
Basic System –
Basic System –
GasLab Q2