8.4.12. Changing the software configuration (Update / Downgrade)
As with all products, the GasLab Q2 is subject to changes and additions from time to time. In this
section the software update from the basic system version 3-08-A to version 3-34-A is described
as an example.
The terms firmware and software are used synonymously .
As the instrument software consists of different modules, exchange these modules individually or
together with the newer current module versions when updating the software. These software
modules include the basic system, all available AFBs and the optional approval file which defines
the official or protected access rights.
In the case of a downgrade, the modules are exchanged for older software modules, but this is a
special case. The version specification for software modules is structured as follows, for example:
The version number for software modules consists first of a major version number,
then a minor version number and at least a version letter (e.g.: 03-33-A).
The major version number must match for all software modules within a device.
The minor version number is incremented if the parameter structure is different, but
the module version is still compatible with other software modules with the same
major version. A differing version letter indicates that the software changes are
For all following steps, you always need all current software versions. The SSW of the device must be
open, and you must log on as administrator.
All security settings will be lost if you work as the administrator with the SSW open!
A software update may render the device useless if the installed version does not satisfy
the following requirements.
Refer also to the information on the specified websites and contact Honeywell if you are in
any doubt.
Tous les réglages de protection sont perdus si vous travaillez en tant qu'administrateur
avec un contacteur d'étalonnage ouvert!
Une mise à jour du logiciel peut rendre l'appareil inutilisable si la version installée ne
remplit pas les conditions suivantes!
Respectez également les instructions figurant sur les sites internet indiqués et adressez-
vous toujours à Honeywell en cas de doute.
Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
minor, and the parameter structure has not changed.
GasLab Q2