Work: Reading archives
Establish a connection to the device ( see section
to the enCore device
of the navigation window. A dialog window will appear in which the archive query can
be configured.
Select the required archives and settings in this dialog. If necessary, change the
suggested names for the reading process.
(Always include the date so that you know exactly when something happened.)
After making your selection, click on "Start readout".
Under the selected name, the read archives will be saved in the path Devices – <Serial
number/Name> – Archives or Archive reading cycles. See example:
Each time enSuite reads data, a reading cycle is generated – displaying exactly what was
read – sorted by ordinal number.
Disconnect the connection to the device (see section
and Connection
example Logbook, and click on Display archive in the bottom section of the navigation
The operator must read the data and save it to external data media at suitable intervals.
Only if this is done it will be possible to access the information in the logbooks if the data
have been deleted or overwritten on the device. The archive can only be cleared/deleted if
the user has the appropriate rights and the SSW is open.
Pour lire et enregistrer des données dans enSuite, l'exploitant doit accomplir ces
opérations aux intervalles appropriés. Il n'y a qu'à cette condition que les informations
contenues dans les journaux de bord peuvent être consultées même s'ils ont déjà été
supprimés de l'appareil ou s'ils ont été écrasés. Il n'est possible de vider ou de supprimer
l'archive que si l'on dispose des droits correspondants et que l'interrupteur d'étalonnage
est ouvert.
Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
and select the "Readout archives" action in the bottom section
errors) and view the data in a table. To do this, select the archive, for
8.2.3 General connection options
8.2.5 Disconnecting the device
GasLab Q2