Click on Commit changes.
Then check the parameterization for the changed modules for new parameters and
edit the parameterization if necessary. It is also possible that individual AFBs are
Check the parameter set for unwanted changes caused by the update.
The new modules may mean that some functions are no longer included or are not automatically
included. In this case, any invalid parameters or paths will be displayed
message "Conversion error" may appear.
If, for example, SFB Q2 I/O 03-01 was used before the update, the parameterized outputs will be
reset to "Unused" after the update.
If necessary, revise or add the appropriate parts using your backups. For this purpose, use the values
from the original parameter set in the same places within the new structure. Always check all the
Save the updated parameter set and close the window
The device parameterization can now be transferred to the device.
Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
Figure 8.41: Change version of parameterization
In this case the parameterization is invalid and must be reworked.
in red/orange
and the
GasLab Q2