Communication processor and Modbus TCP
13.5 Modbus communication
Table 13- 84 Diagnostic functions
S7-1200 Modbus_Slave Modbus diagnostic functions
The Modbus_Slave instruction supports broadcast write requests from any Modbus master
as long as the request is for accessing valid addresses. Modbus_Slave will produce error
code "0x8188" for function codes not supported in broadcast.
Modbus_Slave communication rules
● Modbus_Comm_Load must be executed to configure a port, before a Modbus_Slave
instruction can communicate through that port.
● If a port is to respond as a slave to a Modbus_Master, then do not program that port with
the Modbus_Master instruction.
● Only one instance of Modbus_Slave can be used with a given port, otherwise erratic
behavior may occur.
● The Modbus instructions do not use communication interrupt events to control the
communication process. Your program must control the communication process by
polling the Modbus_Slave instruction for transmit and receive complete conditions.
● The Modbus_Slaveinstruction must execute periodically at a rate that allows it to make a
timely response to incoming requests from a Modbus_Master. It is recommended that you
execute Modbus_Slave every scan from a program cycle OB. Executing Modbus_Slave
from a cyclic interrupt OB is possible, but is not recommended because of the potential
for excessive time delays in the interrupt routine to temporarily block the execution of
other interrupt routines.
Return query data echo test: The Modbus_Slave will echo back to a Modbus master a
word of data that is received.
Clear communication event counter: The Modbus_Slave will clear out the communica-
tion event counter that is used for Modbus function 11.
Get communication event counter: The Modbus_Slave uses an internal communication
event counter for recording the number of successful Modbus read and write requests
that are sent to the Modbus_Slave. The counter does not increment on any Function 8,
Function 11, or broadcast requests. It is also not incremented on any requests that
result in a communication error (for example, parity or CRC errors).
S7-1200 Programmable controller
System Manual, V4.2, 09/2016, A5E02486680-AK