service password-recovery
If the password-recovery mechanism is disabled, this message appears:
The password-recovery mechanism has been triggered, but
is currently disabled. Access to the boot loader prompt
through the password-recovery mechanism is disallowed at
this point. However, if you agree to let the system be
reset back to the default system configuration, access
to the boot loader prompt can still be allowed.
Would you like to reset the system back to the default configuration (y/n)?
If the user chooses not to reset the system to the default configuration, the normal boot process continues
as if the break key had not been pressed. If you choose to reset the system to the default configuration,
the configuration file in flash memory is deleted, and the VLAN database file, flash:vlan.dat (if present),
is deleted.
If you use the no service password-recovery command to control end user access to passwords, we
recommend that you save a copy of the configuration file in a location away from the switch in case the
end user uses the password recovery procedure and sets the system back to default values. Do not keep
a backup copy of the configuration file on the switch.
You can enter the show version privileged EXEC command to determine if password recovery is enabled
or disabled.
This example shows how to disable password recovery on a switch so that a user can only reset a
password by agreeing to return to the default configuration.
Switch(config)# no service-password recovery
Switch(config)# exit
Related Commands
show version
Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Command Reference
Chapter 2 Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Cisco IOS Commands
Displays version information for the hardware and firmware.