Chapter 2
Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Cisco IOS Commands
Aggregate policing is supported only in input policy maps.
You can simultaneously configure multiple conform and exceed actions for an aggregate policer as
parameters in the policer aggregate global configuration command, but you must enter the actions in
this order:
An output policy map should match only the modified values of the out-of-profile traffic and not the
original values.
When you configure an aggregate policer, you can configure specific burst sizes and conform and exceed
actions. If burst size (bc) is not specified, the system calculates an appropriate burst size value that
equals the number of bytes that can be sent in 250 ms at the CIR rate. In most cases, the automatically
calculated value is appropriate. Enter a new value only if you are aware of all implications.
This example shows how to configure an aggregate policer named agg-pol-1 and attach it to multiple
classes within a policy map:
Switch(config)# policer aggregate agg-pol-1 10900000 80000 exceed-action drop
Switch(config)# class-map test1
Switch(config-cmap)# match access-group 1
Switch(config-cmap)# exit
Switch(config)# class-map test2
Switch(config-cmap)# match access-group 2
Switch(config-cmap)# exit
Switch(config)# policy map testexample
Switch(config-pmap)# class test1
Switch(config-pmap-c)# police aggregate agg-pol-1
Switch(config-cmap-c)# exit
Switch(config-pmap)# class test2
Switch(config-pmap-c)# police aggregate agg-pol-1
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Switch(config-9map)# exit
Switch(config)# interface fastethernet0/1
Switch(config-if)# service-policy input testexample
Switch(config-if)# exit
You can verify your settings by entering the show aggregate-policer privileged EXEC command.
conform-action must be followed by transmit or by set actions in this order:
set-dscp-transmit or set-prec-transmit
exceed-action must be followed by drop or transmit or by set actions in this order:
set-dscp-transmit or set-prec-transmit
policer aggregate (global configuration)
Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Command Reference