Appendix 1 Explanation of Parameters
【#1173】 dwlskp G04 skip condition
Set the skip signal for ending the G04 (dwell) command.
PLC interface input signal
0 :
1 :
2 :
3 :
4 :
5 :
6 :
7 :
(* : Enable - : Disable)
【#1174】 skip_F G31 skip speed
Set the feedrate when there is no F command in the program at G31 (skip) command.
---Setting range---
1 to 999999 (mm/min)
【#1175】 skip1 G31.1 skip condition
Designate the skip signal in multi-step skip G31.1.
The setting method is same as "#1173".
【#1176】 skip1f G31.2 skip speed
Set the skip feedrate in multi-step skip G31.1.
---Setting range---
1 to 999999 (mm/min)
【#1177】 skip2 G31.2 skip condition
Set the skip signal in multi-step skip G31.2.
The setting method is same as "#1173".
【#1178】 skip2f G31.2 skip speed
Set the skip signal in multi-step skip G31.2.
---Setting range---
1 to 999999 (mm/min)
【#1179】 skip3 G31.3 skip condition
Set the skip signal in multi-step skip G31.3
The setting method is same as "#1173".
【#1180】 skip3f G31.3 skip speed
Set the skip signal in multi-step skip G31.3.
---Setting range---
1 to 999999 (mm/min)
【#1181】 G96_ax Constant surface speed axis
Select the axis to be targeted for constant surface speed control.
0: Program setting will be disabled, and the axis will always be fixed to the 1st axis
1: 1st axis
2: 2nd axis
3: 3rd axis
8: 8th axis
However, when set to other than "0", the priority will be on the program setting.
Skip3 Skip2 Skip1