hit counter script

Mitsubishi Electric M700VS Series Setup Manual page 370

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【#3008】 smax 4 Maximum rotation speed (Gear: 11)
Set the maximum spindle speed with gear 11.
Set this as slimt >= smax.
By comparing the S command value and the values of gear 1 - 4, a spindle gear shift command will
be output automatically.
---Setting range---
0 to 99999 (r/min)
【#3009】 ssift 1 Shift rotation speed (Gear: 00)
Set the spindle speed for gear shifting with gear 00.
(Note) Setting too large value may cause a gear nick when changing gears.
---Setting range---
0 to 32767 (r/min)
【#3010】 ssift 2 Shift rotation speed (Gear: 01)
Set the spindle speed for gear shifting with gear 01.
(Note) Setting too large value may cause a gear nick when changing gears.
---Setting range---
0 to 32767 (r/min)
【#3011】 ssift 3 Shift rotation speed (Gear: 10)
Set the spindle speed for gear shifting with gear 10.
(Note) Setting too large value may cause a gear nick when changing gears.
---Setting range---
0 to 32767 (r/min)
【#3012】 ssift 4 Shift rotation speed (Gear: 11)
Set the spindle speed for gear shifting with gear 11.
(Note) Setting too large value may cause a gear nick when changing gears.
---Setting range---
0 to 32767 (r/min)
【#3013】 stap 1 Tap rotation speed (Gear: 00)
Set the maximum spindle speed during tapping cycle with gear 00.
---Setting range---
0 to 99999 (r/min)
【#3014】 stap 2 Tap rotation speed (Gear: 01)
Set the maximum spindle speed during tapping cycle with gear 01.
---Setting range---
0 to 99999 (r/min)
【#3015】 stap 3 Tap rotation speed (Gear: 10)
Set the maximum spindle speed during tapping cycle with gear 10.
---Setting range---
0 to 99999 (r/min)
【#3016】 stap 4 Tap rotation speed (Gear: 11)
Set the maximum spindle speed during tapping cycle with gear 11.
---Setting range---
0 to 99999 (r/min)
M700VS Series Setup Manual
Appendix 1.5 Spindle Parameters

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