【#7930(PR)】 SLCT_T2 Rotary axis selection
Select in which axis direction to rotate the tool rotating type tool-side rotary axis.
If the tool axis is inclined, use the second digit to set the axis direction in which the tool axis is
0: Invalid
1: I axis rotation
2: J axis rotation
3: K axis rotation
(Note) 0 to 99 can be set from the screen, but if an invalid value is set, the operation error "M01 0127
---Setting range---
0 to 3
12, 13, 21, 23, 31, 32
【#7931(PR)】 TIANGT2 Inclination angle
Set the inclination angle if the tool-rotation type tool-side rotary axis is inclined. Set the angle
regarding CCW direction of the inclined plane as plus direction.
---Setting range---
-359.999 to 359.999 (°)
(Follow as "#1003 iunit Input setup unit".)
【#7932(PR)】 ROTAXT2 Rotary axis name
Set the name of the tool rotating type tool-side rotary axis.
Set "0" when the axis has the mechanical axis specifications. (The setting is, however, invalid in the
tool center point control.)
---Setting range---
0, A, B, C, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
【#7933】 DIR_T2 Rotation direction
Set the rotation direction of the tool rotating type tool-side rotary axis.
0: CW
1: CCW
【#7934】 COFST2H Horizontal axis rotation center offset
Set the distance in the horizontal axis direction between the spindle holder center and the rotation
center of the tool-side rotary axis.
---Setting range---
-99999.999 to 99999.999 (mm)
【#7935】 COFST2V Vertical axis rotation center offset
Set the distance in the vertical axis direction between the spindle holder center and the rotation
center of the tool-side rotary axis.
---Setting range---
-99999.999 to 99999.999 (mm)
【#7936】 COFST2T Height axis rotation center offset
Set the distance in the height axis direction between the spindle holder center and the rotation center
of the tool-side rotary axis.
---Setting range---
-99999.999 to 99999.999 (mm)
【#7937】 CERRT2H Horizontal axis rotation center error compensation amount
Set the error compensation amount in the horizontal axis direction of the tool rotating type tool-side
rotary axis rotation center.
---Setting range---
-99999.999 to 99999.999 (mm)
(Follow as "#1006 mcmpunit Machine error compensation unit".)
Rot axis parameter error" will occur when the power supply is turned ON.
M700VS Series Setup Manual
Appendix 1.6 Rotary Axis Configuration Parameters