Saving the Configuration
The following example shows the status of subinterface number 1 on port 0 on the SPA in VLAN number
Router# show vlans
VLAN ID:200 (IEEE 802.1Q Encapsulation)
Protocols Configured:
VLAN trunk interfaces for VLAN ID 200:
GigabitEthernet4/1/0.1 (200)
Saving the Configuration
To save your running configuration to nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM), use the following
command in privileged EXEC configuration mode:
Router# copy running-config startup-config
For information about managing your system image and configuration files, refer to the
Fundamentals Configuration Guide
publications that correspond to your Cisco IOS software release.
Shutting Down and Restarting an Interface on a SPA
You can shut down and restart any of the interface ports on a SPA independently of each other. Shutting down
an interface stops traffic and enters the interface into an "administratively down" state.
There are no restrictions for online insertion and removal (OIR) on Gigabit Ethernet SPAs. Gigabit Ethernet
SPAs can be removed from a SIP at any time. SIPs populated with any type of SPAs can be removed from
the router at any time.
If you are preparing for an OIR of a SPA, it is not necessary to independently shut down each of the interfaces
prior to deactivation of the SPA. The hw-module subslot stop command automatically stops traffic on the
interfaces and deactivates them along with the SPA in preparation for OIR.
In similar fashion, you do not need to independently restart any interfaces on a SPA after OIR of a SPA or
To shut down an interface on a SPA, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
Router(config-if)# shutdown
To restart an interface on a SPA, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers SIP and SPA Software Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS
XE Everest 16.5
Total 0 packets, 0 bytes input
Total 2 packets, 120 bytes output
Writes the new configuration to NVRAM.
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
Disables an interface.
Configuring the Ethernet SPAs
Cisco IOS Configuration