● When the movement amount is converted to the actual number of output pulses, a fraction appears after the decimal
point, according to the movement amount per pulse. This fraction is normally retained in the LD75 and reflected at the
next positioning. For the fixed-feed control, since the movement distance is maintained constant (= the output number of
pulses is maintained constant), the control is carried out after the fractional pulse is cleared to zero at start.
Accumulation/cutoff for fractional pulses
When movement amount per pulse is 1.0 m and movement for 2.5 m is executed two times;
Conversion to output pulses: 2.5[ m]
Output pulses
INC line1
Fixed-feed 1
● For 4-axis fixed-feed control, set the "reference axis speed" and make setting so that the major axis side becomes the
reference axis. If the minor axis side is set as the reference axis, the major axis side speed may exceed the "[Pr.8] Speed
limit value".
● Refer to Page 359, Section 9.1.6 for the combination of the reference axis with the interpolation axis.
1.0 = 2.5 pulses
5 .
2 pulses
2 pulses
5 .
0.5 pulse held by the LD75 is
carried to next positioning.
3 pulses (=2.5+0.5)
2 pulses
0.5 pulse held by the LD75 is cleared to 0 at start
and not carried to next positioning.