(3) Setting method
To use the "OPR retry function", set the required details in the parameters shown in the following table, and write
them to the LD75.
When the parameters are set, the OPR retry function will be added to the machine OPR control. The set data is
made valid on the rising edge (OFF to ON) of the PLC READY signal [Y0]. (Set "[Pr.57] Dwell time during OPR
retry" according to the user's requirements.)
Setting item
OPR retry
Dwell time during OPR
Refer to Page 118, Section 5.2 for the information on detail settings.
● Parameters are set for each axis.
● It is recommended that the parameters be set whenever possible with GX Works2. Execution by program uses many
programs and devices. The execution becomes complicated, and the scan times will increase.
Set "1: Carry out OPR retry by limit switch".
Set the deceleration stop time during OPR retry.
(Random value between 0 and 65535 (ms))
Setting details
Factory-set initial value