When the "reference axis speed" is set during interpolation control, set so the major axis side becomes the reference axis. If
the minor axis side is set as the reference axis, the major axis side speed may exceed the "[Pr.8] Speed limit value".
(7) Interpolation speed designation method
To perform interpolation control, set the composite speed or reference axis speed in "[Pr.20] Interpolation speed
designation method" or "[Da.29] Interpolation speed designation method" of the reference axis.
• 0: Composite speed: The movement speed for the control target is designated, and the speed for each axis
is calculated by the LD75.
• 1: Reference axis speed: The axis speed set for the reference axis is designated, and the speed for the other
axis carrying out interpolation is calculated by the LD75.
When the composite speed is designated
X axis
Specify composite speed.
Calculated by the LD75.
• To designate interpolation speed for each positioning data, use "[Da.29] Interpolation speed designation
• To set the same interpolation speed in all the positioning data, setting "[Pr.20] Interpolation speed
designation method" enables batch designation of the interpolation speed designation method for each
positioning data. To use "[Pr.20] Interpolation speed designation method", set 0 in "[Da.29] Interpolation
speed designation method". When a value other than 0 is set, "[Da.29] Interpolation speed designation
method" will be valid.
When carrying out linear interpolation/circular interpolation,
[Pr.20] Interpolation
set whether to designate the composite speed or reference
speed designation
axis speed.
Composite speed
Reference axis speed
Set the interpolation speed designation method for each
positioning data.
[Da.29] Interpolation
Use the set value in "[Pr.20] Interpolation speed
speed designation
designation method".
Composite speed
Reference axis speed
N indicates the offset address of each positioning data.
N = ((Positioning data No.) - 1) 10
Y axis
When the reference axis speed is designated
X axis
Specify speed for
the reference axis.
Calculated by the LD75.
Buffer memory address
Axis 1
Axis 2
2003 + N
8003 + N
(b4 to b6)
(b4 to b6)
Y axis
Axis 3
Axis 4
14003 + N
20003 + N
(b4 to b6)
(b4 to b6)
Initial value