(1) [Da.11] Shape
Set whether to carry out only the local "block start data" and then end control, or to execute the "block start data"
set in the next point.
Setting value
0: End
1: Continue
(2) [Da.12] Start data No.
Set the "positioning data No." designated with the "block start data".
(3) [Da.13] Special start instruction
Set the "special start instruction " for using "high-level positioning control". (Set how to start the positioning data
set in "[Da.12] Start data No.".)
Setting value
00H: Block start (normal start)
01H: Condition start
02H: Wait start
03H: Simultaneous start
04H: Repeated start (FOR loop)
05H: Repeated start (FOR
06H: NEXT start
Refer to Page 456, CHAPTER 10 for details on the control.
(4) [Da.14] Parameter
Set the value as required for "[Da.13] Special start instruction".
[Da.13] Special start instruction
Block start (Normal start)
Condition start
Wait start
Simultaneous start
Repeated start (FOR loop)
Repeated start (FOR condition)
Execute the designated point's "block start data", and then complete the control.
Execute the designated point's "block start data", and after completing control, execute the next point's
"block start data".
Execute the random block positioning data in the set order with one start.
Carry out the condition judgment set in "condition data" for the designated positioning data, and when
the conditions are established, execute the "block start data". If not established, ignore that "block start
data", and then execute the next point's "block start data".
Carry out the condition judgment set in "condition data" for the designated positioning data, and when
the conditions are established, execute the "block start data". If not established, stop the control (wait)
until the conditions are established.
Simultaneously executes the positioning data having the No. for the axis designated with the "condition
data". (Outputs pulses at the same timing.) Up to four axes can start simultaneously.
Repeats the program from the block start data set with the "FOR loop" to the block start data set in
"NEXT" for the designated No. of times.
Repeat the program from the block start data with the "FOR condition" to the block start data with
"NEXT" until the conditions set in the "condition data" are established.
Set the end of the repetition when "05H: Repetition start (FOR loop)" or "06H: Repetition start (FOR
condition)" is set.
Setting value
Not used. (No need to be set.)
Set the condition data No. (No. of "condition data" set to perform condition
1 to 10
(For details on the condition data, refer to Page 176, Section 5.5.)
0 to 255
Set the No. of repetitions.
Set the condition data No. (No. of "condition data" set to perform condition
1 to 10
(For details on the condition data, refer to Page 176, Section 5.5.)
Setting details
Setting details
Setting details